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Vegetable harvest sensory bin 🥕🍅🌽

It's Wednesday we-play, today we created a small world of a little farm, where the rooster woke up the farmer, the farmer harvested the vegetables and the chickens laid eggs :) All while recycling colored rice, Fettuccini, yellow beans and soil for some sensory play. Materials that are different in texture, color and feel. This activity fosters sensory skills, curiosity, imagination and exploration.

You'll need:

- A big bin

- Soil, colored rice, beans or pasta

- Wooden sticks

- Wooden pegs

- Mini vegetable props

- A farmers truck

- Small world farm animals


Create a small world within the bin, lay out the soil with vegetables then create a fence by clipping the pegs onto the wooden sticks for a good fine motor skill development, put in the grains And animals and let the imagination and sensory play begin.

This activity proved successful for

ages 2 yrs + Adult supervision at all times)


And develops:

Sensory skills

Fine motor skills

Building and construction skills



Creative play

Imaginative play

Communication skills

😊 Try it and tag us, HAPPY WEDNESDAY everyone!


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