It's Tuesday truthday and, Truth is, I can't believe we almost made it through a whole term at school ✨😃 and a whole year of uncertainty. One thing I've learnt through the homeschooling experience is that I'm definitely not cut out to do it.... it stressed me out soo much!
Homeschooling also confirmed to me that learning shouldn't be forced, our kids shouldn't sit behind a screen to learn, nor should we bribe and count for them to get the task done. they should be out in the world, exploring, experimenting and having fun. Learning while playing and jumping and squishing and sculpting. As soon as I set my mind to "I'm not doing this! We r just going to play our way through Covid" everything changed.
We started creating great positive learning experiences together and as soon they went back to school, they caught up with academics so quickly.
A shout out to all the teachers and schools who put their heart into online learning and making our kids return as safe as can be.
Yes! We almost made it through 2020. ✨💪🏼🤩
Who else feels like hugging themselves for surviving this year?